Chi Musi Chi is a horror story set in Nepalese society, where superstitions and human needs jeopardize the life of a normal person. The multi-starer film, which stars a female heroine, transports you to the scary paranormal reality of individuals living in a Kathmandu flat.
Chi Musi Chi Movie Story:
Dr. Mira is on leave when she is called to do a postmortem on a little girl. She pleaded with the caller to pass it on to someone else, but she was informed she needed to attend the hospital as quickly as possible to learn about and participate in the autopsy. Mira gets dressed for work and drives out, but her car’s tire is punctured as she arrives at the parking lot. This signifies that something terrible will happen. She eventually finds her way to her assignment and completes it. She felt strange and scared as she examined the autopsy. She extracted a cacoon from the deceased body’s mouth, and the cacoon transformed into a butterfly. It might be beneficial to the reborn.
Mira’s lover, Aasis, is a playwright, but he hasn’t been performing well lately. But, happily, he was earning numerous contracts and was approached to submit a plan one evening. The meeting was rescheduled, but it did not go as planned. So he calls a cab and goes to his destination. Aasis orders the automobile to come to a halt as they reach a dark woodland lane.
Many people think that dreadful souls may enter and punish human bodies in the woods, therefore the driver attempts to recant his request. Aasis falls and approaches a little girl, and the girl’s ghost possesses him. Aasis returns to the flat and settles the bill. Following that, paranormal activity and strange occurrences commence, generating complete terror and threats to the people who dwell in that flat.
Chi Musi Chi Movie Cast & Performance:
Priyanka Karki (Anna) is a well-renowned Montessori teacher. She likes spending time with children. When she comes home, she encounters a little ghost girl. After that day, the girl threatens Anna, and her life spirals out of control. Priyanka has done an outstanding job. She attempted to persuade her partner of her sentiments while she was down and out, but it was fruitless. Because of Priyanka’s acting, the viewer is kept interested in the story’s advancement.
Aayushman DS Joshi (Sameer) is the love interest of Priyanka Karki (Anna). Sameer adores Anna and desires to spend as much of his free time as possible with her. Aayushman is perceived as someone who does not believe in paranormal or supernatural happenings; such activities would be ineffective in fine-tuning Anna’s sentiments. Despite the fact that Aayushman does everything he can to assist her partner. He does well, and as an audience, we believe he is a stronger movie performer.
Rechha Sharma (Sabu) has lately relocated to this new residence. She is a stay-at-home mom who cleans the house and spends her free time with her child. Everything was good until the ghost girl appeared and cursed Sabu’s son. Rechha’s portrayal is great, and it’s a pleasure to see how much she loves and cares for her family. Excellent job!
Rajan Khatiwada (Bibek) is a leading actor in the Chi Musi Chi film. His sarcasm and humor make the audience laugh when he initially appears in the picture. Despite the fact that the two had a decent relationship but had quite different life ideas, Bibek is called Sabu’s spouse. His portrayal and sentence delivery in a horror film are unusual yet interesting.
Benisha Hamal (Mira) is a dark and unhappy character in the film. She is a doctor by trade, yet her life requires considerable prudence. Despite the fact that her personal life was chaotic, she was recently portrayed as content with her new boyfriend. Benisha was a timid individual who seldom spoke out, endangering the entire housing complex. Benisha has done an outstanding job.
Direction & Story Telling:
Myrhna James and Yash Saini, the directors of the Chi Musi Chi film, did their best to bring the concept to life via cinema, but there is still room for improvement. From scriptwriting to story-telling, the main suspense and horror genres are under-equipped for screen presentation. The creators have hired good performers, however, we feel the plot and frightening filming could be improved.
Movie Verdict:
If you enjoy horror flicks, you’ll enjoy this one. Furthermore, the filmmakers tried hard to grasp the psychology of children and their sense of belonging in the picture.
Chi Musi Chi Movie Rating: ⭐⭐ / 5