Dinesh Raut’s Nepali film Prakash is well-created. Pradeep Khadka and Diya Maskey, the film’s major characters, provide outstanding performances, easily the best of their careers.
Prakash Movie Story:
Prakash focuses on a mother-son family’s quest for happiness. When you come from a poor background, all you can do is work hard to attain the best, but when the corrupt political system smashes you down, you feel dead. Despite their problems and tribulations, the main protagonists want to take you on a trip of struggle and hard labor.
Sita, portrayed by Diya Maskey, and Prakash, played by Pradeep Khadka, live in Jumla. They are in a difficult economic condition in the neighborhood and must work really hard to stay afloat. Prakash is an intelligent young guy who excels at school. He wants to work as a teacher in a community school. Because he is constantly prepared and focused on his goals, he succeeds in teaching examinations and breezes through all interviews. The difficulty is that his activities are reviled by the social elite and the politically powerful, putting a pall over his ambitions.
Prakash Movie Cast & Performance:
Pradeep Khadka, primarily known for his work in romantic comedies, is now venturing into social dramas. We love the actor even more because of his performance in his favorite role. The actor takes you on his harrowing trip, which occasionally makes you laugh and most of the time makes you cry since the guy worked hard but his dreams were snuffed out by the community’s elite. Pradeep Khadka steals the show in Prakash with his outstanding performance.
Diya Maskey has done an excellent job as Sita. Diya plows the ground, and farms, and performs agricultural and home responsibilities with the confidence of someone with years of expertise. Diya completely grasped and executed the role, thus the tone and discussion are both fun to hear and behold. A single mother’s sincere love and devotion to her child’s future best represent Diya’s viewpoint. Not to add Diya has a fantastic character presentation and shines brilliantly in the part. Wow!
Direction & Story Telling:
Prakash’s director, Dinesh Raut, built the entire film with his heart and soul. Creating a true character living in Jumla to execute in an authentic environment is one of the most difficult difficulties for a director to solve, yet he does so with ease. His vision in showing the magnificent pictures and production of the video keeps you on the edge of your seat. By setting the picture in the little village of Jumla and generating magnificent tales through the landscape, dress, character casting, and lighter writing, Dinesh Raut established himself as a significant and inventive filmmaker in Nepali cinema. His artwork blew us away. Outstanding effort!
One of Prakash’s film’s most notable characteristics is its cinematography. The most of the scenes in the film are filmed at night, yet they are nonetheless stunning. The dark tone is intended to emphasize the characters’ psyches as well as the painful parts of the protagonists’ lives as they seek the light. Rajesh Shrestha, the film’s director of photography, has worked hard to showcase the film’s stunning aesthetics.
The costume designer for the film, Ashish Poudel, should not be forgotten. Throughout the film, Prakash’s characters are only seen wearing one or two outfits. This demonstrates that the people of Julma are terribly deprived and have no access to luxury products. The clothes they wear are completely related to the narrative and the lifestyles of the characters. The custom design process is excellent.
Movie Verdict:
Prakash is a terrific film that you should not miss this year. Go to a theater near you if you want to see outstanding narrative and cinematography. Dinesh Raut, the director, has done a fantastic job of presenting the film, while Pradeep Khadka and Diya Maskey have given their best performances ever. It is highly recommended that you see the Prakash flick. You’ll have a great time. ❤️
Prakash Movie Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ / 5